Дальневосточный университет
TOEFL vocabulary
Курс на Английском языке
О курсе

In this course you can learn all the basic words that you can meet in TOEFL tests. The course is also a part of bigger courses English vocabulary (medium), English vocabulary (pro) and English vocabulary (Full). The course assignments were created with the SkyEng dictionary API.

Due to its adaptive structure, you will be able to automatically adjust the difficulty of the course. 

This is a new version of this course with updated content. Every step contains a pronunciation example and definition options from the Oxford dictionary. After the correct answer you will get usage examples.

We tried to make your TOEFL preparations as easy and enjoyable as possible. Good luck!

 Other courses of the series:



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Преподаватель курса

Доцент кафедры механики и математического моделирования ДВФУ, руководитель образовательной программы «Прикладная механика». Имею степень кандидата технических наук, а также базовое математическое образование – в 1987 году окончила Воронежский государственный университет по специальности «Прикладная математика».

Люблю свою работу, много лет преподаю дисциплины по программированию и базам данных в университете. Сфера научных интересов: e-Learning, learning analytics, машинное обучение, стохастическое моделирование.

Программа курса
2. transparent
2. expanded
2. intricate
2. obviously
2. distort
2. indisputable
2. ambiguously
2. source
2. anomaly
2. shrinkable
2. benefits
2. praise
2. diminished
2. substitute
2. suspender
2. amateur
2. estimated
2. integrate
2. constrain
2. curriculum
2. fortify
2. severed
2. accurately
2. retainer
2. resist
2. opponent
2. vacillate
2. annually
2. evidence
2. concur
2. vial
2. berate
2. stagnant
2. frivolously
2. cumbersomeness
2. equivalent
2. tolerate
2. legitimately
2. origins
2. brusque
2. adequate
2. adversely
2. expertise
2. disproportionate
2. contribute
2. adjacent
2. cohesion
2. contradict
2. devise
2. obey
2. invasive
2. demonstrate
2. intervene
2. harshen
2. evade
2. inconsistently
2. sheltered
2. vanisher
2. jargon
2. deviate
2. eloquent
2. desirable
2. section
2. morosely
2. method
2. specify
2. antagonize
2. retract
2. horror
2. inflater
2. hollowness
2. minimum
2. interpreted
2. collapse
2. eased
2. extractable
2. boaster
2. evaluate
2. somber
2. vary
2. laborer
2. ludicrous
2. divert
2. measurer
2. rejective
2. exposed
2. sufficiently
2. prior
2. vestige
2. disrupted
2. endure
2. modify
2. attribute
2. paucity
2. accustomed
2. proximity
2. prevalent
2. incessant
2. prestigious
2. hasty
2. retriever
2. likely
2. ample
2. implemented
2. hackneyed
2. voluminousness
2. feasible
2. elite
2. impose
2. preciseness
2. extension
2. hazardously
2. reform
2. generate
2. arbitrary
2. arduously
2. promote
2. nonchalantly
2. resent
2. deceiver
2. pertain
2. coalesce
2. potent
2. aggregated
2. community
2. advocate
2. upbeat
2. rotated
2. suspiciousness
2. declaration
2. decline
2. recommend
2. precede
2. rely
2. cacophony
2. illiterate
2. speculate
2. deposit
2. lenient
2. mender
2. partially
2. transferable
2. lecturer
2. oppress
2. impoverishment
2. cognizant
2. pragmatics
2. hierarchy
2. peripherally
2. focused
2. inclination
2. haphazardness
2. garbled
2. impairer
2. chronological
2. illustrate
2. solitary
2. jointly
2. corer
2. progeny
2. amends
2. migrate
2. summarized data
2. deny
2. fundamentally
2. investigate
2. integrally
2. digress
2. rhetorical
2. gaping
2. data
2. disposed
2. negligently
2. ineffective
2. flawed
2. framework
2. inquiry
2. detected
2. decay
2. require
2. initially
2. exclusiveness
2. collide
2. mediocre
2. leery
2. proceed
2. continuously
2. subsequently
2. unobtrusive
2. sparseness
2. persist
2. fluctuate
2. irascible
2. alternative
2. peaked
2. unjustness
2. permeate
2. inevitableness
2. copiously
2. terminally
2. booster
2. ambitious
2. incite
2. exploited
2. emphasize
2. tuition
2. technically
2. hypothesis
2. evolve
2. paradigm
2. dilemma
2. maintainer
2. deter
2. subtle
2. hesitater
2. acquired
2. unscathed
2. clarify
2. diatribe
2. stable
2. efficiently
2. quarreler
2. maximize
2. wilted
2. resolve
2. aggressive
2. assuage
2. exemplary
2. adamantly
2. restrict
2. despise
2. degrade
2. shallow
2. hostile
2. contemplate
2. assume
2. regulated
2. verdict
2. erroneous
2. briefs
2. supervised
2. imply
2. polls
2. attitude
2. conflicting
2. recede
2. adjusted
2. widespread
2. diverseness
2. knacker
2. distribute
2. wholly
2. transition
2. incompetent
2. brashly
2. sustainer
2. coincide
2. impacted
2. functioning
2. parsimonious
2. coerce
2. corrode
2. soothe
2. accumulate
2. manipulate
2. resign
2. supplanter
2. decipherer
2. deplete
2. selected
2. infer
2. dynamics
2. validly
2. irresolute
2. epitome
2. allocate
2. augment
2. cease
2. commitment
2. symbolic
2. phased
2. inhibited
2. famine
2. incidental
2. ranker
2. recapitulate
2. advantage
2. enhancer
2. exclude
2. vilify
2. eliminate
2. misleading
2. influenced
2. ranged
2. safeguard
2. strategy
2. reinforced
2. concealed
2. indefatigable
2. irony
2. primary
2. obtainable
2. hindrance
2. sequencer
2. bestow
2. release
2. censure
2. identically
2. significantly
2. finitely
61. conveyable
135. grandiosely
157. incentives
178. intrepidly
190. lampooner
191. languisher
199. majors
221. partaker
243. prospering
248. rebuker
258. reproacher
269. rigidness
272. scrutinizer
288. squalidness
323. whereas